Fellow cheesesteak connoisseurs, the sandwich pictured above is a fraud in every way you can imagine. As you can see, Subway has called it The Big Chipotle Cheesesteak but it was neither big nor chipotle like in taste. The biggest sin of all is that it doesn’t even taste, smell or feel like a cheesesteak.
As self-proclaimed experts in cheesesteak related matters, we took it upon ourselves to give Subway’s rendition a chance. With our preconceptions pushed aside, we each took a piece of the sandwich and cautiously began to consume it. A three-star rating system was used in order to judge the “cheesesteak”. The aspects of the sandwich we focused on were bread, inner contents, aroma and presentation. Needless to say it was an inadequate imposter.
One problem we noticed was the bread. It lacked the flavor of an authentic Italian roll and its bite was nowhere near what it should be but we gave Subway one star for knowing to use the traditional bread. Shortly after giving the sandwich its first star we quickly took it back and gave it to ourselves since it was us who selected the bread. If it was up to them, they would’ve used wheat bread and that’s just ridiculous.

The next issue we came across was the inner contents. For starters, the meat just didn’t taste like cheesesteak meat. It was in a chopped style, which is nice but didn’t make up for its lack of flavor. It was pretty much just for texture and to give the mouth something to chew.
There were no onions and no visible signs of cheeses, which is bizarre because we witnessed them place tiny triangles of provolone on the meat. The microwave they used to heat the sandwich must’ve disintegrated the dairy component of the sandwich.
Also, they added a chipotle sauce to give the sandwich a kick and a little extra flavor (we guess) but it didn’t taste like a chipotle sauce. Its flavor profile was much closer to mayonnaise.
Lastly, the sandwich had one last chance to redeem itself based on what is known as the distinct cheesesteak aroma. It’s neither the smell of onions or meat, it’s the lovely smell the two produce when paired together. To put it simply, the sandwich didn’t have this.
Sorry subway, when compared to Pat’s or Geno’s sandwich, you just aren’t up to our standards. We’ll give you half a star out of three since you made one us decide to get a real cheesesteak after work.
That looks nothing like the ad. What a bunch of lying finks!